ARTEMIS is now available on music platforms.
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With this brand new project Jeff Herr (LUX) and me give voice to a number of strong women from Greek mythology. We all know someone with the childlike enthusiasm of Persephone, the irrepressible drive of Artemis, the caring nature of Demeter,…
I became very intrigued by this theme after reading Jean Shinoda Bolens book Goddesses in Everywoman and started exploring the different kind of archetypes.
My Olympus became an introspective journey and a reflection of inspiring encounters along the way. An instrumental adventure with room for experiment, improvisation and a good dash of imagination.
A befriended musician that attended My Olympus’ first show called the project
“Een film zonder beeld.”
(The experience of seeing a movie without any actual footage.)
His quote was an enormous compliment because it was the perfect synthesis of what My Olympus is all about for me.
Jeff and me do not only perform the music on stage but I also share in dept the process that led me to every creation.
I'd like to connect with the audience and create an atmosphere of openness and vulnerability.
We are all in this together, right?
At the moment we are planning some shows in 2024 - 2025.
Interested in a booking? Feel free to
Interested in checking us out live?
We'll keep you posted and hope to see you soon!
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates.
Aftermovie of My Olympus at Femina Eterna Festival 24-03-08
You can find all info about the upcoming concerts
Past concerts
6.4.23 Try-out at CC Muze - Heusden-Zolder (B)
7.4.23 Paviljoen Ongehoorde Muziek - Eindhoven (NL)
27.4.23 Café Litteraire Le Bovary - Luxemburg (LUX)
8.3.24 Femina Eterna Festival at CC Muze - Heusden-Zolder (B)
10.3.24 Abbaye De Neumünster - Luxemburg (LUX)
17.11.25 Motives For Jazz Festival - Pelt (B)