Dass das spielende Kind nicht aus Genuss- oder Schöpferfreude, sondern aus Lust an den biol. Funktionen unermüdlich Handlungen gestalte und wiederhole. (K. Bühler)
I discovered this beautiful German word a little while ago and recently decided to put this concept in action.
Funktionslust is a destination in itself. The pleasure of engaging in an activity without a specific goal.
This spring I started intuitively playing the euphonium and the tuba. Trying to approach the process like a kid in a candy store having a few bites. I enjoy the deep dive into the unknown.
Every now and then I record an exploration (a short impro) and upload it.
"You're a real amateur now", a friend of mine said spontaneously.
"Yes I am! And I am absolutely enjoying it." I answered. :)
Sending these small creations into the world is my way of embracing trial, error and imperfection.
Follow this account on instagram.